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Properties for sale in Los Altos

We have found 22,116 properties for sale in Los Altos


How many properties are available for sale in Los Altos?

We currently have 281 properties for sale in Los Altos available at Kyero - however, this changes daily, so please check back regularly to stay up-to-date with the latest listings.

What is the average property price in Los Altos?

The average property price in Los Altos is € 259,000. Depending on the location you can expect to pay between € 96,000 and € 750,000.

What is the average price for a 2 bedroom property in Los Altos?

The average price for a 2 bedroom property in Los Altos is € 259,000, however, depending on the location you can expect to pay between € 96,000 and € 339,000.

What is the average price for a 3 bedroom property in Los Altos?

The average price for a 3 bedroom property in Los Altos is € 334,000, however, depending on the location you can expect to pay between € 145,000 and € 750,000.

What is the average price for a 4 bedroom property in Los Altos?

The average price for a 4 bedroom property in Los Altos is € 175,000, however, depending on the location you can expect to pay between € 175,000 and € 395,000.